Phone number
Employer identification number (EIN)
The employer’s information (if different from that of the petitioner):
Phone number
The H-2B worker’s information:
Full Name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Last known physical address and phone number
Additionally, to assist USCIS with the identification of the H-2B worker, submit the followingfor each H-2B worker, if available:
Social Security Number, and
Visa Number
Notification should be made via email or mail to the USCIS Service Center that approved the I-129 petition. Although not required, email notification is strongly recommended to ensure timely notification.
California Service Center
By email:
By mail:
California Service Center
Attn: Div X/BCU ACD
P.O. Box 30050
Laguna Niguel, CA 92607–3004
Vermont Service Center
By email:
By mail:
Vermont Service Center
63 Lower Welden St.
St. Albans, VT 05479
Send an email notification to
IMPORTANT- Save copies of all of these emails or letter to your
audit file. They will be requested if you are audited.
Law Office of Michele Contreras, LLC
1040 Kings Highway N, Suite 302 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
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